Ancient Egypt

Unique culture with strong traditions


Egypt is located at the tip of the African continent. Physically cut off, in ancient days it was protected and geographically separated from its neighbors by desert, mountains, the Nile River, and the Mediterranean Sea.In this relative isolation, a unique civilization developed nearly undisturbed for nearly 5,000 years. Living in rhythm with the annual flooding of the Nile, Egyptians became dedicated to order, and resisted change.


Reaching over 4,000 miles, the Nile is the longest river in the world. It flows from mountains in the south (Upper Egypt) toward the Mediterranean Sea and a great fertile delta in the north (Lower Egypt).

As the sun crossed the axis of the river each day, rising in the east and setting in the west, a sense of order for the universe was established. Based on this concept, the hieroglyphic symbol for "world" or "town" was a circle with a cross section inside it.


Traveling on the Nile, Egyptians became skilled sailors and soon ventured out to trade with other Mediterranean ports. Like all societies, they had to deal with invasions and warfare, but their traditions were firmly established so the culture of any invaders was always submerged. In fact, the Egyptians developed one of the most powerful and refined civilizations in history.

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